Monday, July 11, 2016

First Days in Minecraft

Yesterday was my first foray into Minecraft.  I learned that the checker board is called a "spawn"  site where all newbies first arrive.  Today I learned that I can use the "M" key on my keyboard so I can always return to this spot, rather than wandering like a nomad the way I did yesterday.

At first, I hated the game, because I didn't know what to do or how to move.  To save myself some frustration, I watched a few tutorials and perused the Minecraft wiki.  Armed with new information and recipes, I returned with gusto to build my first craft table and the rain.

My first house, a hovel really, was made of oak planks.  It was three blocks high and had a door way with five holes for the windows.

After building it, I wandered around and got very lost, encountering cows, pigs, and chickens that laid collectible eggs.

I also encountered a lava fall, snow-capped mountains, and a birch wood forest.

Eventually, I was joined by Mr. B. who graciously transported me back to Games and Sims.

He gave me a chest, because I'd run out of room in my inventory and couldn't figure out how to get rid of things. We were joined by Deadturtle, who inquired about our powerlessness to fly.  It's hard to see the lay of the land from the ground!

Today, I got a fresh start and learned that it's not okay to dig inside of buildings (it was an accident, really!) or take items others have collected.  This snapshot reveals that I wrongly pillaged a few decorative slabs from the castle floor, which I shoddily repaired with sand.  (Sorry, Tis).

It's okay to dig up the landscape, but replanting is the considerate thing to do.  I'll admit that while my intentions are good, I have not yet started replanting the pumpkins I purloined.

I also learned that mining can be very tedious without the correct tool.  I'd been doggedly digging with a wooden pick when Tis found me and offered me an iron pickax.  That made a huge difference, but I later lost it for reasons I can't understand.  Now, I have to figure out how to get a hold of iron ingots to make a new one.

In an aha moment, I figured out how to sheer a sheep for wool, which may be used to make a bed.

I may also have discovered that dirt can be used to slow/ stop a lava flow.  It worked in this case, allowing me to mine some interesting ore.

Lastly, I learned how to make glass windows, a door, and a trapdoor for my redesigned house.  It's not pretty, but it made me happy to light it up with a torch and put a sign on it.

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